
At Spark Psychology, we offer individual therapy to provide strategies for children and young adults seeking support to cope with challenges in their lives.

Such challenges may include:

  • Relationship Issues with friends or family members
  • Development of Social Skills
  • Academic or Educational difficulties
  • Problems associated with ADHD
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Behavioural Challenges at school and home

Goals and a specific focus for therapy will be identified with the child and their caregivers. Cognitive-behavioral, relationship building and attachment based techniques will be used as part of therapeutic intervention.

What’s included in therapy

  1. Assessment of your child’s specific needs
  2. Goal Setting
  3. Parenting Support and Strategies
  4. Personal Coaching and intervention for your child around issues such as:
    1. Anxiety
    2. ADHD
    3. Self-Esteem
    4. Emotional Regulation
    5. Learning Challenges
  5. “Therapy Bag of Tricks” for your child to take with them

What can I expect?

Therapy often includes discussion of the following:

  1. Identification of Goals, Challenges, and Strengths
  2. Creating healthy sleep, eating, and exercise routines
  3. Awareness of feelings and how to identify them
  4. Emotional Regulation Strategies
  5. Making a specific plan to take action, and trouble-shooting obstacles to carrying out the plan
  6. Dealing with “Big Emotions”

Please contact us by phone at 587.703.8713 or send us an email to discuss your family’s needs.